Red Gurnard

Red Gurnard

scientific name:

Scophthalmus maximus

MCS Sustainability Rating:

MCS Rating What's this?

Origin/capture area:

Shetland, North Sea

The Marine Conservation Society has developed a system to help consumers choose the most environmentally sustainable fish. Fish to Eat are rated 1 and 2, Ratings 3 and 4 mean don’t eat too often. Fish to consider avoiding are rated 5.


Gurnards are very distinctive bottom-living fish with large heads and eyes. The head is protected by large bony plates and strong spines. The red gurnard has a stout body, large head and eyes and moderately large scales. It is one of the smallest of the European gurnards reaching a maximum length of 40 cm (16 in). The coloration is bright red with pinkish-silver mottling on the sides and head. It is found over sand, shingle or rocky seabeds and feeds on bottom-dwelling invertebrates, such as crustaceans, and also small fish.

Product Types

Whole Fish - Fresh

Box weight:6Kg

  • Mixed